Monitoring becomes delightful and tracking issues such as high backend_depth values across any nsqd node is trivial. _depth) and associate it with multiple topics and channels via tags. Instead of multiple specific metrics, one can send a single metric (e.g. Tags are one of those killer features.īy pushing custom metrics to Datadog, a completely different range of features opens up. While this is the expected format for a standard statsd integration, DogStatsD augments the statsd protocol with a few extensions for taking advantage of special Datadog features.
The built-in statsd integration of nsqd pushes metrics using the common statsd paths (e.g. An example of a custom Datadog nsq dashboard with sample data. Nsq-dogstatsd is an utility that lets you graph nsq stats on Datadog by sending custom metrics via DogStatsD, allowing you to create beautiful dashboards with powerful monitors.įigure 1.